1-Hour Tutoring


1-hour tutoring session.


Book a 1-hour tutoring session today!

With 15 years of online tutoring and teaching experience, I offer personalized guidance and academic support to help you reach your full potential in your target subject area.

My online tutoring for college students includes essay help, test prep, and dissertation prep.

I offer English language and writing support for high school and middle school students, and I teach literature, history, geography, French, German, Latin, and other humanities subjects.

You can book a general tutoring session for these subject areas here or check out the ongoing tutoring option for a regular discount.

100% satisfaction guaranteed.

In a 1-hour tutoring session (hosted on Zoom or GoogleMeet), we can work through your assignment.

To schedule a session, email me at charlotte@charlottefiehn.com. Once you’ve confirmed your booking, I will work with you to find a time that works for you.

You can email me any assignment details ahead of time and specify your target goals for the session. At the beginning of the session, we will review your goals for the session. I will then work with you to help you get the most out of the session. If you have an essay assignment to work on, then I will help you prepare a draft. If you have an upcoming test, we will cover relevant knowledge or skills to ensure you are well-prepared.


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